Atelierhof Kreuzberg
Schleiermacherstraße 31-37
10961 Berlin

Exhibition & Studio space
U7 Gneisenaustrasse

Opening Hours
Di-Fri 16:00-18:00
And by appointment
Telefon: +49 30 61209307

Fernando Nino-Sanchez

Ausstellungseröffnung „F r i s c h  g e s t r i c h e n“ der Herrmann-Hesse-Schule (HHS) in Kooperation mit Kunst in Kreuzberg e.V. am 26. März, um 19 Uhr, im Projektraum des Atelierhofes Kreuzberg.

A Proscenium is the architectural element in western theatres that not only defines the spatial division between stage and audience, but also describes a history of viewing and representing. The proscenium arch functions as a large frame that only allows a selected gaze and covers what is ‑offstage. The artists Kerstin Honeit, Ofri Lapid and Fernando Nino-Sánchez investigate the ‑proscenium using video work, light installations, photos and objects in its function of being a mirror axis between object and recipient, as well as a border between being ‑on stage and ‑off stage.