Atelierhof Kreuzberg
Schleiermacherstraße 31-37
10961 Berlin

Exhibition & Studio space
U7 Gneisenaustrasse

Opening Hours
Di-Fri 16:00-18:00
And by appointment
Telefon: +49 30 61209307

Urlaub in Berlin 2019

Urlaub in Berlin 2019

Urlaub in Berlin 2019


Not "Based in Berlin"? Join the exhibition "Urlaub in Berlin 2019"!

Bring or create your work between 10 and 17 July,
daily from 16:00 to 20:00. Let us know if you want to
participate in the summer show of the year.
The show will be installed on 18 July from 16:00 to 20:00.

Opening on Friday 19 July at 18:00 with drinks and sun.

Stefan Kraft
Sandra Setzkorn
Martina Goldbeck
Anna Staffel
Anne Wölk
Bob Rutman
Thomas Bothe
Eike Laeuen
Yk Buffy Klama
Sabina Zentek
Fried Rosenstock
Tatiana Sophia Sainz
Udo Lindemann
Michaela Seliger
and others

Opening hours: Tues. to Fr. from 16:00 to 18:00
23 July to 2 August 2019

Pick up your artwork on Sat. 3 August starting at 16:00.

Atelierhof Kreuzberg
Schleiermacherstr. 31
10961 Berlin (U7 - Gneisenaustraße)

Participation and information:
0170 - 8405136 or

19. Jul 2019