Atelierhof Kreuzberg
Schleiermacherstraße 31-37
10961 Berlin

Exhibition & Studio space
U7 Gneisenaustrasse

Opening Hours
Di-Fri 16:00-18:00
And by appointment
Telefon: +49 30 61209307

Tech Art Expo

Tech Art Expo

Tech Art Expo

FRIDAY 17 JULI - 18.00H

Tech Art Expo is an immersive creative experience bringing together art and technology in ways that will challenge and inspire our audience. Our event explores how art influences technology, how technology influences art, and how art and technology communicate with one another, depend on one another, and transform one another.

International artists will demonstrate their connection to technology through various mediums— performance, installation, and 2-D art. Our audience will be able to hear directly from the artists about their creative process, the technology behind their art, as well as their perspective on the relationship between tech and art. We hope that our gallery and interviews will activate creativity from artists and tech enthusiasts alike.

Tech Art Exhibition will start at 6pm on Friday, July 17th and art shows will take place until 9pm. After 9pm we are launching our After-party. This will be one of the last events at Tech Open Air (TOA), but we welcome everyone to the event, including those who did not attend TOA. Afterwards we’ll have DJs and visitors will be encouraged to continue exploring the exhibition.

So come visit our open air event to mingle, have a drink, get inspired, and enjoy good art.


17. Jul 2015
Chrischa Venus Oswald
Des Rée
Hugo Dallmann
Jeroen van Loon
Remty Elenga
Simon Weckert & Jèrôme Gautier
Wednesday Kim