Atelierhof Kreuzberg
Schleiermacherstraße 31-37
10961 Berlin

Exhibition & Studio space
U7 Gneisenaustrasse

Opening Hours
Di-Fri 16:00-18:00
And by appointment
Telefon: +49 30 61209307




OPENING: Saturday 13th September 2014, 6.30 p.m
EXHIBITION: 13th - 19th September  2014
Opening hours: Monday-Friday from 2 to 6 p.m. and by appointment

The show is going to be exhibited at Villa Contemporanea in Monza, Italy from Saturday 4th October 2014 until 20th December 2014.
A publication with the contribution of critic Massimo Marchetti (both in Italian and in English) will also be available, showing photos of the Berlins installation.

The project Nutrice started from the impulse to evoke, by means of a ritual gesture, the ties and the connections that unite man and nature through culture and food.
Cycles, as defined by the natural succession of the days in the week, regulate life from time immemorial, just like the movement of the planets in the sky and the time of sowing and harvesting in agriculture.
The correspondence of natural cycles and energies was reflected in the micro and macrocosm, generating a whole wealth of knowledge where every aspect of the universe was taken into account, a knowledge designed to mix, combine and join, of which only distant echoes remain in our contemporary culture.
The installation presented in this exhibition is inspired by Steiners anthroposophy and it gives shape to that tradition that was able to feel the harmonious cohesion between the grains, the days of the week and the planets. The seven most important seeds for human nutrition are bound together through the slow gesture of sewing, a symbol referring not only to astronomy as well as astrology, but also to Roman myths and to several folk traditions - which still persist in some areas in the South - to mark a sequence of drapes representing the fundamental principle of natural cycles that has regulated human development since its beginning.

13. Sep 2014 - 19. Sep 2014
Maria Lucrezia Schiavarelli