Atelierhof Kreuzberg
Schleiermacherstraße 31-37
10961 Berlin

Exhibition & Studio space
U7 Gneisenaustrasse

Opening Hours
Di-Fri 16:00-18:00
And by appointment
Telefon: +49 30 61209307

Little Tremors: An Exhibition of L.A. Artists

Little Tremors: An Exhibition of L.A. Artists

Little Tremors: An Exhibition of L.A. Artists

21. Sep 2010 - 22. Sep 2010
Felisa Funes
Swan Moon
Lindsay Lawson
Sonja Gerdes
James Krone
Hannah Greely
Elana Scherr
Mateo Tannatt
Larissa Brantner
Francesca Gabbiani
Jacob Rhodes
Miyo Hernandez
Mark Golamco
Angie Lacerenza
Rachel Mason
Jamie Chan
Trevor Watson
Jane Parshall
Casey McGonagle
Bonnie Begusch
Christina Chung
Sarah Domner
Oscar Santos
Jasiu Krajewski
Kelly Acconci
Kristine Nelson
Soo Kim
Alivia Zivich
Nate Young