Atelierhof Kreuzberg
Schleiermacherstraße 31-37
10961 Berlin

Exhibition & Studio space
U7 Gneisenaustrasse

Opening Hours
Di-Fri 16:00-18:00
And by appointment
Telefon: +49 30 61209307

'Intimacies and Imagined Futures'

'Intimacies and Imagined Futures'

video & performance practices

An exhibition presented by SOMA Art Space and GAX

Intimacies and Imagined Futures features the work of nine international and Berlin-based Asian diasporic artists working in video and performance. Visually compelling, at times loud and humorous, and at others emotionally jarring, the exhibition explores how these artists engage with the intimacies of the diasporic and transnational body, self, and everyday in relation to identity, site, memory, trauma, stereotype, and imagined stories. The works shown in Intimacies and Imagined Futures revolve around counternarratives of resistance that render visible multiple fragments of the present and open up possible visions for the future.

Matt Huynh, Việt Lê, Jia Chang, kate-hers RHEE, Ming Wong, Biho Ryu, Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo, Jane Chang Mi, Gao Yuan

Nabi Nara, Alexandra Chang, and Francesca Tarocco

Public Opening Reception :
June 23, 2018 at 7PM

Public Artist Talks :
26. June 19:00
Jia Chang with kate-hers RHEE

Opening Hours
19.06. - 15.07. 2018
TUE-SAT 16:00 – 18:00 Closed Mon & Sun

Preview : * CLOSED Program*

21. June
for 2-Day working session presented by HKW, ICI Berlin,
the Centre for Transcultural Analysis at Carleton University (CTCA), and GAX

Performance : Việt Lê

Discussion :
Christa Joo Hyun D’Angelo with Alexandra Chang; Viet Lê with Francesca Tarocco; Jane Chang Mi with Joshua Tengan; Biho Ryu with Nabi Nara.

About GAX:
The exchange brings together scholars, curators, and artists at global sites with a group of core collaborative scholars from participating partner institutions each year and is meant to be generative for research, resulting in publications, exhibition development, and other research-based projects and programs to share and disseminate research, strengthen international networks of scholars and curators, and create ongoing dialogue between international colleagues, arts communities, and wider publics in the expanding field of Global Asias Visual Cultures.

Through international site visits, symposia, public dialogues, and ongoing working sessions, the exchange aims to build sustained multi-year inter-institutional and scholarly connections to encourage a broader transnational and comparative diasporic discourse while recognizing the continual importance of local contextualization and place. The many targeted working sessions allow for smaller group discussions to work through important issues and think about possible projects and collaborations.

A collaboration of SOMA Art Space Berlin and GAX (Global Asia/Pacific Art Exchange), an initiative of the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU. Thanks to support from the NYU Global Research Initiatives, Office of the Provost and Arts Council Korea (ARKO).

26. Jun 2018 - 2. Jul 2018