Saturday 21st January 18:00 - 21:00 pm
Exhibition Duration:
21 st Jan - 6 th Feb
We find ourselves at the centre of an increasingly alienating society. Our focus is often divided between realities of: abstraction and figuration; scientific and spiritual; society and politics; fact and fabrication. Or even between the virtual real, the 'real real’, the digital real or no 'real' at all. All the while we exist in one obscenely over-saturated communicational culture of consumption.
This exhibition seeks to channel reality at different speeds and aims to produce an overall sensation of loosing track of time. Manipulating time in order to make “now” last longer and by resisting clear interpretation ultimately makes the present more significant. Opening up a fluid state in perception and consciousness is crucial for making possible the constant re-evaluation of our positions as artists.
With: Austin Honour, Catalin Ilie, Stefan Norbert, Radu Oreian and Adrian Popescu
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri 14:00-18:00
And by appointment